Crossing Borders


Crossing Borders is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to educating and empowering young people to become active global citizens. With a mission to create a fairer and more sustainable world, Crossing Borders works to raise awareness on critical global issues and foster positive change socially, economically, and politically.

At its core, Crossing Borders aims to contribute to building a peaceful and sustainable world where diversity is celebrated, enabling people from different backgrounds to learn to live together on equal terms. To achieve this, the organization creates platforms for young people to form global associations, networks, and communities worldwide.

Guided by its key values of authenticity, diversity, and inclusion, Crossing Borders provides dialogue spaces where each person’s voice can be heard through sharing their stories. This approach is rooted in the belief that democracy and peace can only be achieved and sustained through meaningful dialogue.


Crossing Borders began as a project in Denmark in 1999, initially supporting dialogue between conflict parties in the Middle East. In response to growing demand for its concept and services, it evolved into an NGO in 2004 and became an official partner with UNESCO.

Today, Crossing Borders runs numerous projects in Denmark and around the world, covering a wide range of topics including democracy, sustainable development, feminism, mental health, and migration. These initiatives provide platforms for people to share ideas, learn from one another, and develop into active global citizens in a learning environment that encourages mutual growth and understanding.